Transform PT


                                 WHAT IS IT? An increase in blood serum uric acid level –  this is the final breakdown of purine (found in high protein foods) metabolism in biologic fluid.   Purines are natural substances found in all cells/virtually all foods and provide part of the chemical structure of genes. Urate crystal, needle-like deposits in joints, tendons, kidneys and […]

Are You In An Exercise Slump?

Lacking Motivation to Exercise? Have you lost your exercise mojo or are you trying to find it for the first time?   It can be difficult to get in the right frame of mind to start an exercise programme or to continue on one you have lost interest in or has left you at a […]

QUICK TIPS:   INSOMNIA Insomnia can often be a result of hypoglycaemia (blood sugar is too low) – whether it is trouble falling asleep due to an over-active mind, or trouble staying asleep. Tips: Exercise – great for metabolism, cardiovascular health and weight management, also great for insomnia with better quality sleep reported. However, exercising […]

Gearing up for the New Year Detox!

The holidays are becoming a distant memory as we all find ourselves heading back to work, promising ourselves that this will be the week we start eating better / exercising / putting our New Year’s Resolutions into place…..but before we know it another week has gone by and we are still making those same promises […]